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Operation NameNumberTypeOpeningDistrictCityCountyCompany NameRailroad Shipments (tons)Railroad to MineTruck Shipments (tons)Total Production (tons)Days WorkedEmployeesNotes
A&F Mine1 LackawannaA. & F. Coal Co.3,38610,15813,54421813Coal prepared at Penbrook Breaker.
A&R Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaA. & R. Coal Co.7,2377167,65319812Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Ace Breaker2Blakely 2LackawannaAce Coal Co.4,4264,52711,17017451 
Adelphia Washery6 LuzerneAdelphia Coal Co.00024017 
AF&L Mine2Pittston 2LackawannaA. F. & L. Coal Co.2,5692542,8231469Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Albanese Mine2Dunmore 2LackawannaAlbanese Coal Co.757758325910Discontinued operation in May. Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Alberigi Mine1Jessup 2LackawannaAlberigi Coal Co.3350335237Discontinued operation in February. Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Alberigi Mine3Jessup 2LackawannaAlberigi Coal Co.007,90918521Coal prepared at Penbrook and Meadowside.
Alden Breaker14Nanticoke 1LuzerneAlden Coal Co.39,825046,952105232Discontinued operation in June. Taken over by M. A. Hanna in July.
Alden Stripping14Nanticoke 1LuzerneAlden Coal Co.11,592011,59210524Discontinued operation in June. Taken over by M. A. Hanna in July.
Alden Bank14Nanticoke 1LuzerneAlden Coal Co.1650165  Discontinued operation in June. Taken over by M. A. Hanna in July.
Alden Breaker14Nanticoke 1LuzerneM. A. Hanna Susquehanna Collieries Div.32,408032,408108232 
Alden Stripping14Nanticoke 1LuzerneM. A. Hanna Susquehanna Collieries Div.6,35106,35110824 
Archbald MineShaft5Taylor 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.71,335074,409207130Coal prepared at Baker Breaker.
Avondale Mine7Plymouth Twp. 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.000  Coal prepared at Lance and Woodward breakers.
Baker Breaker3ScrantonLackawannaGlen Alden Coal Co.134,44344,695256,870208973 
BaltimoreNo. 5Mine11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneHudson Coal Co.163,9410223,049215440Coal prepared at Marvine Breaker.
BaltimoreNo. 5Stripping11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneHudson Coal Co.31,522031,55225029 
Beggin Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaBeggin Coal Co.1,2503121,5621325Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Bellevue Breaker3Scranton 1LackawannaBellevue Coal Co.53,295053,29527223Bank coal.
Bellevue Bank5Scranton 1LackawannaBellevue Coal Co.24,468024,468818Discontinued operation in October. Coal prepared at Bellevue Washery.
Bird Mine12Plymouth 2LuzerneBird Mining Co.28,482028,48221437Coal prepared at Lance Breaker.
Blasi Mine1Archbald 2LackawannaBlasi Coal Co.6,22606,22622510Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Bliss Breaker7Hanover Twp. 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.121,3440128,107210287Coal prepared at Lance and Woodward breakers.
Blue Flame Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaBlue Flame Coal Co.3,3205863,90618111Coal prepared at Pompey Breaker.
Boccoline Mine6Old Forge 2LuzerneBoccoline Coal Co.1,10601,106689Discontinued operation in May. Coal prepared at Number Nine Breaker.
Bolands Breaker1Carbondale 1LackawannaDeAngelis Coal Co.170,9680191,319212237Includes 98,473 tons stripping coal.
Booth Stripping1 LackawannaJohn Booth, Inc.168,5860168,58623970Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Botscheller Stripping1 LackawannaBotscheller Coal Co.6,87706,877858Coal prepared at Bolands and E&A breakers.
Broadwell Mine5 LackawannaKehoe-Berge Coal Co.24,7094,15934,61021767Coal prepared at Morgan, Old Forge and Number Nine breakers.
Broadwell Stripping5 LackawannaKehoe-Berge Coal Co.3,7136255,2011007Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Burke Stripping1 LackawannaTimothy Burke, Inc.47,618047,61829359Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Burke Stripping2Jessup 2LackawannaTimothy Burke, Inc.16,98611,80328,78924418Coal prepared at Underwod Breaker.
Butler Breaker6Pittston Twp. 1LuzerneHeidelberg Coal Co.0Truck 13,1413,14112132Coal prepared at Heidelberg Breaker. Operated by Heidelberg starting in December.
Butler Mine6Pittston Twp. 1LuzerneJermyn-Green Coal Co.49,81925,36975,18883160Coal prepared at No. 14 Breaker. Operated by Jermyn-Green to June.
Butler Mine6Pittston Twp. 1LuzernePennsylvania Coal Co.0001575Maintenance men only, mine was idle.
Butler Stripping2Jessup 2LackawannaButler Stripping Co.2,6981,1573,855837Discontinued operation in April. Coal prepared at Mid Valley Breaker.
Butter Tub Mine9Wyoming 2LuzerneButter Tub Coal Co.10,0002,00014,23021723Coal prepared at Dial Rock Breaker.
Buttonwood Mine13Ashley 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.348,0480362,1272111022Coal prepared at Huber Breaker.
C&G Mine8Yatesville 2LuzerneC. & G. Coal Co.2,95303,24026310Coal prepared at Ewen Breaker.
Capouse Mine3Scranton 1LackawannaNorthwest Coal Co.24,209044,990137317Coal prepared at Northwest Breaker.
Capouse Bank3Scranton 1LackawannaPenn Anthracite Coal Co.1,67101,671889Coal prepared at Waddell and Minichello breakers.
Cayuga Mine3Scranton 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.124,8870136,045207214Coal prepared at Baker and Moffat breakers.
CBM Stripping2 LackawannaC. B. M. Coal Co.3,2234,8358,05814613Discontinued operation in June. Coal prepared at Ace Breaker.
Coal Brook Mine1Carbondale 1LackawannaHudson Coal Co.157,5940180,505212347Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Connell Breaker10Mildred 2SullivanBernice White Ash Coal Co.2,81811,82523,585121104 
Consagra Breaker2Jessup 2LackawannaConsagra Coal Co.0008622 
Continental MineSlope5Taylor 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.149,6760156,117206242Coal prepared at Baker Breaker.
Coray Mine5 LackawannaJr. Coray Coal Co.1,34801,348  Coal prepared at Cassidy & Guillorn Breaker.
Coray Stripping5 LackawannaLackawanna Mining & Construction Co.12,5641,90617,67525412Coal prepared at Parkside, Number Nine and Morgan breakers.
Costanzo Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaCostanzo Coal Co.1,2845501,8341157Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Courtdale Mine12Courtdale BoroughLuzerneCourtdale Coal Co.52,470052,47021378Coal prepared at Woodward Breaker.
Delaware Mine10Plains Twp. 1LuzerneHudson Coal Co.156,5610200,674214370Coal prepared at Laflin and Pine Ridge breakers. Includes 16,246 tons stripping coal.
Denchy Bank3Jessup 2LackawannaDenchy Coal Co.6,03706,03721612Coal prepared at Olyphant Breaker.
DeRoma Stripping6Old Forge 2LackawannaDeRoma Coal Co.3,99203,9921400110Coal prepared at Russell Breaker.
Dewees Stripping1 LackawannaDewees Bros.23,695023,69526337Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Dial Rock Bank9 LuzerneCapone Coal Co.4,23717,58521,822803Slush
Dial Rock Breaker9 LuzerneDial Rock Coal Co.26,2005,25037,36220293 
Diamond Mine3Scranton 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.00020716Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Dorrance Breaker11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneLehigh Valley Coal Co.224,09752,000354,830202762 
Dwonczyk Mine1Jermyn 1LackawannaDwonczyk Coal Co.13,675013,67519020Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
E&A Breaker1Jessup 2LackawannaSurace Coal Co.1,27304,39622512Stripping Coal.
East Boston Mine10Kingston Twp. 1LuzernePringle Coal Co.38,034038,03421175Coal prepared at Waddell, Harry E, Heidelberg and William A. breakers.
Eddie & Joe Mine1Eynon 2LackawannaEddie & Joe Coal Co.19,50022619,72616239Coal prepared at Motley, Waddell, Consagra & Pompey breakers.
Eddy Creek Breaker2Olyphant 1LackawannaHudson Coal Co.513,139066,4142161146Coal prepared at Marvine Breaker.
Empire MineShaft11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.145,6800151,524211431Coal prepared at Huber Breaker.
Empire Stripping11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.11,786013,30025030Coal prepared at Huber Breaker.
Erie Breaker1Mayfield 1LackawannaMotley Coal Co.23,292039,78617983Includes 16,750 tons stripping coal.
Ewen Breaker8Jenkins Twp. 1LuzernePennsylvania Coal Co.317,3330341,286206906 
Exeter Mine9Exeter 1LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.138,97023,393194,651211646Exeter (Payne Coal Co.) and Red Ash (Kehoe-Berge) combined and called Exeter. Coal prepared at William A Breaker.
Exeter Breaker9Exeter 1LuzernePayne Coal Co.61,979063,39452646Ownership changed to Kehoe-Berge in June. Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
F&W Mine1Jessup 2LackawannaF. & W. Coal Co.1,3742,0623,4362428Coal prepared at Ace Breaker.
Fabri Mine2 LackawannaFabri Coal Co.6,8436777,52018213Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Florine Mine5Old Forge 2LackawannaFlorine Coal Co.17,8711,69025,30218357Coal prepared at Morgan, Old Forge and Number Nine breakers.
Forest City Breaker1Forest City 1SusquehannaGateway Coal Co.166,0261,431167,45729544Coal prepared at Powderly, Motley, Waddell, Consagra & Pompey breakers.
Fox Hill Stripping5 LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.12,8222,15817,9608416Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Franklin Mine11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneLehigh Valley Coal Co.92,661485102,138188237Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
Fritz Stripping6Dupont 2LuzerneFritz Bros. Coal Co.5720572614Coal prepared at Russell Breaker.
G&S Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaG. & S. Coal Co.6,6266557,28118814Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Gasparini Stripping1 LackawannaGasparini Stripping Co.2,09602,096116Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Gasparini Stripping2 LackawannaGasparini Stripping Co.7320732124Discontinued operation in January. Coal prepared at Pompey Breaker.
Gasparini Stripping3 LackawannaGasparini Excavating Co.36,2986,40542,70329435Coal prepared at Pompey Breaker.
Gaylord Mine7 LuzerneGaylord Coal Co.20,082021,21222738Coal prepared at Lance and Woodward breakers.
Genelow Mine9Wyoming 2LuzerneGenelow Coal Co.14,022014,02222334Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
Gianforcoro Mine1Archbald 2LackawannaGianforcoro Coal Co.17,610017,61020930Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker. Includes 1,334 tons stripping coal.
Gildea Mine1Archbald 2LackawannaGildea Coal Co.15,229015,22921822Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Gillen Mine1Carbondale 2LackawannaGillen Coal Co.33,255033,25521260Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Gillizzi Stripping6Dupont 2LuzerneGillizzi Coal Co.6,77847,12653,99321613Coal prepared at Russell Breaker.
Glen Lyon Breaker14Glen Lyon 1LuzerneM. A. Hanna Susquehanna Collieries Div.304,5518,390361,422195830 
Glen Lyon Stripping14Glen Lyon 1LuzerneM. A. Hanna Susquehanna Collieries Div.79,106079,10619530 
GMA Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaG. M. A. Coal Co.3,5173483,8651677Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Gravine Mine2Archbald 2LackawannaGravine Coal Co.12,4632,19914,66222424Coal prepared at Pompey Breaker.
Gravity Bank5 LackawannaGravity Coal Co.18,430018,4301084Coal sold unprepared.
Gravity Slope Mine1Archbald 1LackawannaHudson Coal Co.67,805085,821212145Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Greenwood Mine5Moosic 1LackawannaGreenwood Mining Co.22,172024,11021252Coal prepared at Marvine Breaker.
Greenwood Stripping5Moosic 1LackawannaGreenwood Mining Co.2,78603,398546Coal prepared at Marvine Breaker.
Guiducci Mine2Peckville 2LackawannaGuiducci Coal Co.3,2257,82411,04922017Coal preapred at Penbrook and Ace breakers.
Guzior Mine6Dupont 2LuzerneGuzior Coal Co.0Truck 12,6102,6109411Coal prepared at Morgan, Standard and No. 14 breakers.
Harris & Walsh Stripping6Scranton 2LuzerneHarris & Walsh Coal Co.0Truck 129,26329,2638320Discontinued operation in June. Coal prepared at Standard and No. 14 breakers.
Harris & Walsh Bank5 LackawannaHarris & Walsh Coal Co.9,63709,905497Discontinued operation in September. Coal prepared at Waddell, Minichello and Marvine breakers.
Harry E. Breaker9Swoyersville 1LuzerneHarry E. Coal Co.92,0930222,717217566 
Harry E. Stripping9Swoyersville 1LuzerneHarry E. Coal Co.5,177012,5199720 
Heidelberg Breaker6Avoca 1LuzerneHeidelberg Coal Co.62,69020,00090,957239197 
Heidelberg Stripping6Avoca 1LuzerneHeidelberg Coal Co.22,326022,32624610Coal prepared at Heidelberg Breaker.
Henry Mine10Plains Twp. 1LuzerneLehigh Valley Coal Co.287,82317,706337,541184657Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
Hillside Mine6 LuzerneHillside Coal Co.7,12507,1252067Coal prepared at Russell and Madeira breakers.
Huber Stripping13Ashley 1LuzerneA. E. Dick Contracting Co.87,026090,50826164Coal prepared at Huber Breaker.
Huber Breaker13Ashley 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.314,799736583,5722091542 
Hunter Stripping5 LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.10,0251,68814,0422115Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Hyde Park Mine5Scranton 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.48,616050,73320799Coal prepared at Baker Breaker.
Jenkins Mine6Pittston 2LuzerneJenkins Coal Co.17,659017,65920321Coal prepared at Underwood Breaker.
Jermyn-GreenNo. 14Breaker8Jenkins Twp. 1LuzerneJermyn-Green Coal Co.81,68136,380141,14982733Coal prepared from outside sources not included in total.
Jermyn-GreenNo. 14Stripping8Jenkins Twp. 1LuzerneJermyn-Green Coal Co.3,20603,206828Ceased operations in June.
Jermyn-GreenNo. 6Mine8Pittston 2LuzerneJermyn-Green Coal Co.79,74330,374119,34880730Coal prepared at No. 14 Breaker
Kehoe-BergeNo. 10MineTunnel5Duryea 1LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.52,8028,88873,959210190Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Keyser Valley Mine3Scranton 2LackawannaKeyser Valley Coal Co.11,604011,61924546Coal prepared at Waddell and Minichello breakers.
Kidder MineSlope11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.150,0580156,081211406Coal prepared at Huber Breaker.
Kidder Stripping11Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.31,178032,59311715Coal prepared at Huber Breaker.
Kingston Mine Mine7Yatesville 2LuzerneKingston Excavating Co.7,12307,52326326Coal prepared at Lance and Woodward breakers.
Kingston Mine Mine12 LuzerneKingston Mining Co.57,936057,93621377Coal prepared at Woodward Breaker.
Kintz Breaker9Exeter 2LuzerneR. & W. Coal Co.002701813 
Laflin Mine10Laflin 1LuzerneGreenwood Mining Co.28,062028,06220558Coal prepared at Laflin Breaker. Includes 6,302 tons stripping coal.
Laflin Breaker10Laflin 1LuzerneHudson Coal Co.33,212037,26721469Includes 117,879 tons stripping and 6,776 tons bank coal.
Lance Breaker12Plymouth 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.238,70222,604393,7962081014 
Larksville Mine12 LuzerneLarksville Coal Co.13,421013,42121423Coal prepared at Loree Breaker.
Lemencelli Mine2 LackawannaLemencelli Coal Co.1,7251711,8961925Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
LK Stripping6Greenwood 2LuzerneL. K. Coal Co.27,757027,75711716Coal prepared at Heidelberg and Russell breakers.
Lockett Bank5 LackawannaLockett Coal Co.4,9684757,02318212Coal prepared at Morgan, Old Forge and Number Nine breakers.
Loomis Breaker7Nanticoke 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.109,5750117,232 45Coal prepared at Truesdale Breaker.
Loree Breaker12Larksville 1LuzerneHudson Coal Co.737,7040813,8232141441Includes 106,632 tons stripping coal produced by Carey, Baxter & Kennedy and 29,889 tons produced by Dwees Bros.
Lynott Stripping6Avoca 2LuzerneLynott Coal Co.81908191211Coal prepared at Heidelberg Breaker.
M&C Mine2 LackawannaM. & C. Coal Co.2,4242402,6641877Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
M&M Mine1Simpson 2LackawannaM. & M. Coal Co.13,049013,04923020Includes 12,085 tons stripping coal. Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Madeira Breaker10Plains 1LuzerneConlon Coal Co.57,005063,421203119Includes 13,024 tons stripping coal.
Maffei Mine9Exeter 2LuzerneMaffei Coal Co.5,4629197,65011037Slush
Major Mine6Avoca 2LuzerneMajor Coal Co.0Truck 12,3222,3221865Coal prepared at Russell Breaker.
Maltby Bank9Swoyersville 1LuzerneCapone Coal Co.3,86503,865333Coal prepared at Miners Mills Breaker.
Maltby Bank9Swoyersville 1LuzerneLuzerne County Gas & Electric Corp.0Truck 174,01274,0121403 
Maltby Mine9Swoyersville 1LuzerneMaltby Coal Co.65,012067,077223107Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
Marvine Breaker5ScrantonLackawannaHudson Coal Co.202,1580256,334217677 
Mascelli Mine3Scranton 2LackawannaMascelli Coal Co.11,655011,65520719Coal prepared at Olyphant Breaker.
Masters Stripping1Kingsley 2LackawannaMasters Coal Co.17,802017,80214519Discontinued operation in August. Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Mazzoni Mine1Jessup 2LackawannaMazzoni Coal Co.16,209016,20919629Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
MB Mine6Dupont 2LuzerneM. B. Coal Co.1,64401,6441005Coal prepared at Morgan and No. 14 breakers.
McConnell Stripping2 LackawannaMcConnell Stripping Co.1,4066032,009707Coal preapred at Penbrook, Ace, Meadowside and Minichello breakers.
Meadowside Breaker3Dunmore 1LackawannaMeadowside Coal Co.1053714214843 
Meadowside Stripping3Dunmore 1LackawannaMeadowside Coal Co.10,6253,80814,43314812 
Mid Valley Breaker2 LackawannaMid Valley Anthracite Co.0002420 
Mid Valley Stripping2 LackawannaMid Valley Anthracite Co.2,3207743,094245 
Mineral Spring Breaker10Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneFranklin Coal Mining Co.18,026041,75320850Coal prepared at Harry E. Breaker. Includes 18,976 tons stripping coal.
Miners Mills Breaker10Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneCapone Coal Co.23,670054,270186105Includes 22,649 tons stripping and 2,238 tons bank coal.
Minichello Stripping6 LuzerneMinichello Coal Co.0Truck 1385385295Coal prepared at Russell Breaker.
Minichello Breaker3Scranton 2LackawannaMinichello Coal Co.6,10707,34212721Formerly operated by Supreme Anthracite Co.
Minichello Bank5 LackawannaL. J. Minichello Coal Co.388057175Discontinued operation in January. Coal prepared at Minichello Breaker.
Moffat Breaker5 LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.000203211Coal prepared at Baker Breaker.
Moosic Mountain Breaker2Olyphant 1LackawannaMoosic Mountain Coal Co.00012218 
Moosic Mountain Stripping2Olyphant 1LackawannaMoosic Mountain Coal Co.4,0464004,446866 
Moosic Mountain Bank2Olyphant 1LackawannaMoosic Mountain Coal Co.1,13401,134784 
Morgan Breaker5Old ForgeLackawannaOld Forge Coal Co.00026425 
Mosca Mine5 LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.29,5994,98241,45922254Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Mountain Slope MineSlope5Ransom Twp.LackawannaMountain Slope Coal Co.6,0456178,65819817Run by Joe Keating, operation was located just above the Old Forge-Ransom Twp line, 100 yds to the right of the St. Michaels Holy Cross Cemetery. Coal prepared at Morgan and Kinz breakers.
Namura Mine6 LuzerneNamura Coal Co.0Truck 12,7032,703895Coal prepared at Russell Breaker.
Nanticoke Stripping7Nanticoke 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.144,3532,014167,469206376Coal prepared at Truesdale Breaker.
Nanticoke Stripping7Nanticoke 1LuzerneNanticoke Excavating Co.49,526051,24625094Coal prepared at Loomis and Truesdale breakers.
Nardone Mine6Pittston 2LuzerneNardone Coal Co.9,68109,6812068Coal prepared at Underwood and Ewen breakers.
National Stripping5Scranton 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.6,35207,2252626Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Nay Aug Breaker2Dunmore 1LackawannaNay Aug Coal Co.102,2420102,2421638Bank coal.
Nay Aug Breaker3Dunmore 1LackawannaNay Aug Coal Co.5,22005,22024422Discontinued operation in April. Bank coal.
Newport Stripping7Newport Twp. 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.11,910012,812 55Coal prepared at Truesdale Breaker.
Newport Stripping7Newport Twp. 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.325,96723,020394,6152101031 
No. 6 Mine8 LuzerneNumber Nine Coal Co.9,098014,44423585Operated until June by Jermyn-Green Coal Co. Coal prepared at Number Nine Breaker.
No. 6 Mine8 LuzernePennsylvania Coal Co.0001396Maintenance men and days while colliery was idle.
No. 7 Breaker14Nanticoke 1LuzerneM. A. Hanna Susquehanna Collieries Div.287,01083,975518,0081961356 
No. 7 Stripping14Nanticoke 1LuzerneM. A. Hanna Susquehanna Collieries Div.71,962071,96219634 
No. 9 Breaker6Pittston 2LuzerneNumber Nine Coal Co.265,4920421,482215881 
No. 9 Stripping6Pittston 2LuzerneNumber Nine Coal Co.24,414038,75826521Coal prepared at Number Nine Breaker.
No. 14 Mine8Jenkins Twp. 1LuzerneNumber Fourteen Coal Co.27306851477Operated until June by Jermyn-Green Coal Co. Coal prepared at Underwood Breaker.
No. 14 Mine8Jenkins Twp. 1LuzernePennsylvania Coal Co.00017010Maintenance men and days while colliery was idle.
No. 14 Drifts Mine8 LuzernePlains-Hilldale Coal Co.72,296081,917206170Coal prepared at Ewen Breaker.
No. 14 Drifts Stripping8 LuzernePlains-Hilldale Coal Co.34,056034,05620617Coal prepared at Ewen Breaker.
Northwest Breaker1Simpson 1LackawannaSimpson Coal Co.7,65517,20530,08523285Includes 14,042 tons of stripping coal.
Nottingham Mine7Plymouth 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.74,102076,601 50 
Olyphant Breaker1Olyphant 1LackawannaHudson Coal Co.486,6080569,0022161230 
Ondrick Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaOndrick Coal Co.2,70202,7021738Coal prepared at Waddell Breaker.
P&J Mine8 LuzerneP. & J. Coal Co.29,201031,88719147Coal prepared at Ewen Breaker.
P&M Stripping3Old Forge 2LackawannaP. & M. Coal Co.3,77903,779798Discontinued operation in May. Coal prepared at Number Nine and Harry E. breakers.
Packer Breaker10Wilkes-BarreLuzerneDuryea Anthracite Co.31,5742,24038,708188157 
Panzitta Mine5 LackawannaPanzitta Coal Co.16,9711,27220,14422638Coal prepared at multiple breakers.
Panzitta Mine6 LuzernePanzitta Coal Co.0Truck 14,6874,6871699Coal prepared at Dial Rock Breaker.
Panzitta Mine3 LackawannaPanzitta Coal Co.2,32102,3213427Discontinued operation in February. Coal prepared at Mid Valley Breaker.
Parkside Breaker5Moosic 1LackawannaG. & M. Coal Co.00013514 
Penbrook Breaker1ArchbaldLackawannaPenbrook Coal Co.0001966 
Perry Stripping2 LackawannaPerry Construction Co.60,787060,78725615Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Petrillo Stripping6Dupont 2LuzernePetrillo Coal Co.8,78808,7881244Discontinued operation in August. Coal prepared at Morgan and Russell breakers.
Pine Ridge Breaker10Wilkes-Barre 1LuzerneHudson Coal Co.185,7230236,377214534Includes 18,296 tons stripping coal.
Pittston Stripping5 LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.5,5579357,7837117Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Ploskonka Mine1Peckville 2LackawannaPloskonka Coal Co.26,054026,05421240Coal prepared at Powderly Breaker.
Pompey Breaker2JessupLackawannaPompey Coal Co.97,988DL&W 111,554115,660229216 
Popple Mine2 LackawannaPopple & Scatina Co.1,1661,7492,915816Coal prepared at Ace Breaker.
Powderly Breaker1CarbondaleLackawannaHudson Coal Co.33,108056,573222114 
Prospect Breaker9Plains Twp. 1LuzerneLehigh Valley Coal Co.228,23532,184306,736184917 
Pyne Mine5Taylor 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.104,0960108,598207229Coal prepared at Baker Breaker.
Pyne Stripping5Taylor 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.45,149051,35620716Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Quinn & Walsh Stripping5 LackawannaQuinn & Walsh1,1593321,675435Discontinued operation in May. Coal prepared at multiple breakers.
R&F Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaR. & F. Coal Co.1,8293232,1521208Formerly known as #1 Mine, operated by Vispi Coal Co. Coal prepared at Pompey Breaker.
Racket Brook Mine1Carbondale 1LackawannaPioneer City Coal Co.23,1146,21830,731114102Includes 14,018 tons stripping coal.
Raymond Breaker1Archbald 1LackawannaNorthwest Coal Co.150,0180218,618175444Includes 31,274 tons stripping coal.
Red Creek Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaRed Creek Mining Co.7,4267348,16019712Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Rex Mine8 LuzerneSarf Coal Co.15,067016,45122125Coal prepared at Ewen Breaker.
Rhonda Bank6Dupont 2LuzerneRhonda Coal Co.26,410026,410963Coal prepared at Rhonda Washery.
Rhonda Breaker3 LackawannaRhonda Coal Co.83,775083,77522225Bank coal.
Rockwell Mine3 LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.69,324076,007207112Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Rockwell Stripping3 LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.331036843Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Rosetti Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaRosetti Coal Co.1,4991,0422,5419914Coal prepared at Underwood Breaker.
Russell Breaker6MoosicLackawannaRussell Coal Co.42,300067,109194199 
Sacco Mine1Jessup 2LackawannaSacco Coal Co.3,5306224,15216114Coal prepared at Ace Breaker.
Salvaggio Mine1Mayfield 2LackawannaSalvaggio Coal Co.1,1821,7812,9631607Coal prepared at Ace breaker.
Saratore Mine6Pittston 2LuzerneSaratore Coal Co.4,52504,5251916Coal prepared at Heidelberg Breaker.
Sarf Mine6Pittston 2LuzerneSarf Coal Co.24,996024,99620725Coal prepared at Underwood Breaker.
Schooley Mine8Exeter 1LuzerneKnox Coal Co.323,0470355,303214559Coal prepared at Underwood and Ewen breakers.
Schuster Mine5 LackawannaSchuster Coal Co.9,833010,26120717Coal prepared at Baker Breaker.
Seneca Bank5Pittston 1LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.8100810243Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Sibley Stripping5Old ForgeLackawannaLackawanna Mining & Construction Co.47,9706,09368,62326629Coal prepared at Morgan, Old Forge and Number Nine breakers.
Slenska Stripping1Jessup 2LackawannaSlenska Bros.7,0254217,4461725Discontinued operation in September. Coal prepared at Bolands and E&A breakers.
Sobleskie Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaSobleskie Coal Co.10,9797,62918,60822617Coal prepared at Underwod Breaker.
South Wilkes-Barre Breaker11Wilkes-BarreLuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.256,9163,196366,9912061025 
Sproul Breaker3ScrantonLackawannaSproul Construction Co.10,137010,1374020Discontinued operation in April. Coal prepared at Marvine Breaker.
Stackhouse Mine14Shickshinny 2LuzerneStackhouse Coal Co.00392947 
Stackhouse Stripping14Shickshinny 2LuzerneStackhouse Coal Co.00127494Prepared at No. 7 Breaker.
Stackhouse Bank14Shickshinny 2LuzerneStackhouse Coal Co.00754453Coal sold unprepared.
Standard Breaker5Pittston 2LackawannaStandard Breaker Corp.00010012 
Stevens Mine5West Pittston 1LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.39,9546,72655,963211123Coal prepared at William A. Breaker.
Stodnick Mine6Dupont 2LuzerneStodnick Coal Co.1,06501,670987Coal prepared at Standard Breaker.
Storrs Mine3Dickson City 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.584,2450664,5652061066Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Storrs Stripping3Dickson City 1LackawannaMoffat Coal Co.47,998054,59720721Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Sugar Notch Colliery13Sugar Notch 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.135,6960141,731209212Coal prepared at Truesdale Breaker.
Sullivan Trail Coal Co. Shops9 LuzerneSullivan Trail Coal Co.00022573 
Supreme Breaker1Dickson City 2LackawannaSupreme Anthracite Coal Co.1,65703,229239Bank coal.
Sussex Mine6 LuzerneSussex Coal Co.2,91274,54177,637207116Coal prepared at Number Nine Breaker.
Sweeney Stripping2Archbald 2LackawannaSweeney Bros. Coal Co.6560656217Coal prepared at Waddell Breaker.
Sweeney Stripping6 LuzerneSweeney Bros. Coal Co.0Truck 115,45415,4542086Coal prepared at Russell Breaker.
Swoyer Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaSwoyer Coal Co.6,4836417,12418718Coal prepared at Moosic Mountain Breaker.
Synder Mine3 LackawannaSnyder Coal Co.21,760021,78021226Coal prepared at Underwood Breaker.
Talamilli Stripping6 LuzerneTalamilli Coal Co.0Truck 11,3411,341336Coal prepared at Parkside Breaker.
Taylor Mine5TaylorLackawannaMoffat Coal Co.114,8250119,773207234Coal prepared at Baker Breaker.
Taylor Stripping5TaylorLackawannaMoffat Coal Co.3,57504,0666512Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
Tetto Mine2Archbald 2LackawannaTetto Coal Co.2,4144602,8741718Formerly operated by Touch Coal Co. Coal prepared at Consagra Breaker.
Throop Mining Mine3Throop 1LackawannaThroop Mining Co.44689555189Coal prepared at Mid Valley Breaker.
Throop Mining Bank3Throop 1LackawannaThroop Mining Co.6,3071,2017,5086616Coal prepared at Mid Valley Breaker.
Throop Mining Stripping3Throop 1LackawannaThroop Mining Co.2,0103832,3933812Coal prepared at Mid Valley Breaker.
Tolerico Stripping1 SusquehannaTolerico Stripping Co.44,142044,14228228Coal prepared at Powderly, Motley, Pompey & Meadowside breakers. FPA - possible misspelling of Talerico?
Truesdale Stripping13Hanover Twp. 1LuzerneA. E. Dick Contracting Co.29,173030,70814526Coal prepared at Truesdale Breaker.
Truesdale Breaker13Hanover Twp. 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.398,03549468,4082091403 
Truesdale Stripping13Hanover Twp. 1LuzerneKingston Excavating Co.86,492090,22927435Coal prepared at Truesdale Breaker.
Turnpike Mine3 LackawannaTurnpike Coal Co.34,882034,88221355Coal prepared at Underwood, Consagra and Pompey breakers.
Turnpike Stripping3 LackawannaTurnpike Coal Co.20,390020,39019823Coal prepared at Underwood, Consagra and Pompey breakers.
Underwood Breaker2Olyphant 1LackawannaPennsylvania Coal Co.159,8990253,799216563Includes 27,109 tons silt prepared at Central Concentrated Breaker (6th District).
V&L Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaV. & L. Coal Co.1,4142691,6831867Coal prepared at Consagra Breaker.
V-Coal Mine5Moosic 2LackawannaV-Coal Co.1,9563002,8968313Coal prepared at Parkside Breaker.
Valley View Bank6 LuzerneValley View Coal Co.18,0721,88924,7628510Coal prepared at Valley View Breaker.
Valley View Breaker8 LuzerneValley View Coal Co.32,8151,80142,94616440Coal prepared from outside sources not included in total.
Vigoline Stripping6Hughestown 2LuzerneVigoline Coal Co.0Truck 12,1232,123926Coal prepared at Number Nine and Russell breakers.
Village Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaVillage Slope Coal Co.51,45017,15068,600174110Coal prepared at Consagra, Mid Valley and Meadowside breakers.
Vispi Mine2Jessup 2LackawannaVispi Coal Co.8,8513,79312,64421112Coal prepared at Ace, Consagra, Pompey and Minichello breakers.
Waddell Breaker1Winton 1LackawannaWaddell Coal Co.33,382036,09623364Includes 8,560 tons stripping coal.
Wanamie Breaker14Wanamie 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.55,33815,684626,5532151405 
Wanamie Stripping14Wanamie 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.198,5660208,11726952 
Warnes Mine6Hughestown 2LuzerneWarnes Coal Co.0Truck 19,0069,00622910Coal prepared at Number Nine Breaker.
West End Mine14Mocanaqua 1LuzerneDuryea Anthracite Co.8,19008,19020717Coal prepared at Packer Breaker.
West End Stripping14Mocanaqua 1LuzerneDuryea Anthracite Co.42,013042,01320722Coal prepared at Packer Breaker.
West End Bank14Mocanaqua 1LuzerneDuryea Anthracite Co.6230623124Coal prepared at Packer Breaker.
West Exeter Breaker9 LuzerneWest Exeter Coal Co.28,6003,88138,67120051Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
West Mountain Mine3Scranton 2LackawannaWest Slope Coal Co.31,451034,69420750Coal prepared at Moffat Breaker.
West Side Mine10Luzerne 2LuzerneWest Side Coal Co.24,639024,63916463Coal prepared at Waddell, William A, Heidelberg, No. 14 and Dial Rock breakers.
Westmoreland Mine9 LuzerneLehigh Valley Coal Co.249,6984,148286,081183728Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
Westmoreland Stripping9 LuzerneLehigh Valley Coal Co.15,457015,4272837Coal prepared at Prospect Breaker.
William A. Breaker5Duryea 1LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.46,3477,80264,919211250 
William A. Bank5Duryea 1LuzerneKehoe-Berge Coal Co.60,240060,2401408 
Woodward Breaker12Edwardsville 1LuzerneGlen Alden Coal Co.362,4178,307498,3082101531 

Note 1: Added, does not appear in the mine inspection report.

Note 2: From a list of Anthracite Operators. This may not be the operation location.

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